Directed by Phelim McDermott
Northern Stage & Oxford Playhouse
September - October 2015
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Exhibiting Artist
Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition
The Royal Society
30th June - 5th July 2015
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Becs Andrews & Jon Hughes
Rymer Auditorium, Department of Music
University of York
6th May 4pm
Becs Andrews Company
York City Screen
26th March 2015
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Directed by Samuel Wood
Theatre Mill
Merchant Adventurer's Hall, York
26th February - 22nd March 2015
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UK Design for Performance 2011-2014
Nottingham Trent University
14th - 31st January 2014
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Choreographed by Ludovic Ondiviela
Royal Ballet
30th October - 1st November 2014
Linbury Studio Theatre
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Becs Andrews Company
Manchester Science Festival
35th & 26th October
Digital Performance Lab, Media City Salford
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Directed by Bijan Sheibani
National Theatre
29th October - 14th November
The Shed
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Becs Andrews Company
17th September 2014
Media City Salford
British Society of Parasitology Autumn Symposium
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Becs Andrews Company
York Festival of Ideas
Performances 19-22nd June 2014
Interactive Installation 21st & 22nd June
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Choreographed by David Bintley
National Ballet of Japan
19-27 April 2014
New National Theatre, Tokyo
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Composed and Directed by Matthew Herbert
Royal Opera House
5-12 April 2014
Linbury Studio Theatre
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Composed by Luke Bedford
Royal Opera House
3 -11 April 2014
Linbury Studio Theatre
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TRANSMISSION Seminar at the University of York
On 6th May Becs and Jon Hughes (composer) will deliver a seminar about the making of TRANSMISSION at the Department of Music, University of York. Attendance is open to all. 4 – 5:30pm Rymer Auditorium.
New design commission for Improbable – The Tempest
Becs is designing set and costumes for Improbable’s The Tempest directed by Phelim McDermott. A co-production with Northern Stage and Oxford Playhouse, The Tempest opens in Autumn 2015. Book tickets here
Gold Dust selected for Royal Society Summer Exhibition
Becs’ video work Gold Dust has been selected for the prestigious Royal Society science/art exhibition this summer, Enlightenment which will be viewed by over 14,000 visitors. This year’s theme is Light, in celebration of the International Year of Light.
Becs presenting Transmission at The Superposition
Superposition Packhorse Event 007: Virtual Worlds: From the macrocosm to the microcosm. 18th March 6-8pm The Packhorse, Leeds http://www.thesuperposition.org/event/007virtualworlds/
New Site Specific Production
Becs is designing Theatre Mill’s forthcoming production of The Strange Case of Dr Jeykll & Mr Hyde at the astonishing Merchant Advernturer’s Hall in York. The production is directed by Samuel Wood and opens on February 26th. Tickets are available from . . .
TRANSMISSION: INTERACTIVE by Becs Andrews Company at Manchester Science Festival
Following the film and documentary premiere of TRANSMISSION at Media City Salford, Becs and her team been invited by Salford University to develop TRANSMISSION: INTERACTIVE for Manchester Science Festival this October. TRANSMISSION is a contemporary dance performance and interactive installation . . .
Collaboration with artist Laurence Payot
Becs recently collaborated with artist Laurence Payot on We Are Now, a site-specific project which took place on Dunstable Downs for the second year running http://www.bedfordcreativearts.org.uk/index.php/laurence-payot-dunstable-wind-charming-day/
Lunchtime talk about TRANSMISSION at the Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed Bristol
The team behind TRANSMISSION contemporary dance and interactive installation are visiting the Watershed in Bristol this Friday lunchtime to give a talk about the work and showing a 10 minute film of TRANSMISSION. The talk will take place at the Pervasive Media . . .
Artist in Residence panel at TCCE
Becs has been invited to sit on a discussion panel for The Cultural Capital Exchange’s forthcoming conference Culture, Creativity and the Academy – building a new ‘Grand Partnership’ The conference takes place at Milton Court, London on June 24, 2014 More information . . .
Gold Dust: Of Memory and Light
Becs’ installation art work Gold Dust / Of Memory And Light is showing at Clothworkers South, University of Leeds from 12th February. Particle physics, 3-D projection and water combine to create a study of memory and light. The work concludes . . .
FASTER goes to Tokyo
Faster which Becs designed for Birmingham Royal Ballet has finished its second UK tour, and will be produced in Tokyo by National Ballet of Japan Faster premiered in June 2012 to national critical acclaim:‘The work looks fantastic, with the 21 dancers dressed in sports . . .
World Stage Design
Becs was one of 100 international performance designers selected to exhibit in World Stage Design 2013, where she presented her designs for Faster. She is featured twice in the Telegraph’s best of gallery from WSD13 – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/10301908/World-Stage-Design-best-exhibits-in-pictures.html?frame=2668189 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/10301908/World-Stage-Design-best-exhibits-in-pictures.html?frame=2667973 ‘the most . . .
Romeo and Juliet returning to the National Theatre
Following the sell out tour last summer, the National Theatre’s production of Romeo and Juliet directed by Bijan Sheibani and designed by Becs is returning to The Shed in October ‘audaciously visual’ Time Out ‘Full of light, colour, movement and music. . . .
Faustian Pact at the Royal Opera House
Becs is delighted to be returning to the Royal Opera House to design two new operas for the Spring season. Through His Teeth will be composed by Luke Bedford, with libretto by David Harrower and directed by Bijan Sheibani. The . . .